Welcome To

G.S Modern School

School education lays the foundation of a person’s career and the whole life thereby. Keeping this fact in mind, G.S. Modern School has formulated the best 10 curriculum following CBSE pattern of education. Learned and dedicated teaching professionals devote their time in the overall development and progress of the students. Establishing itself as one of the finest Secondary Schools of the country, G.S. G.S Modern School strives to impart best education that is intended to give all students a successful life in the long run.

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From the Manager's Desk

Our Founder parents and teahers would have noticed that the management of G.S. G.S Modern School has been continuously improving the infrastructure and facilities on the campus, and also the quality of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. I consider my school as my family and particularly proud of the warmth of the relationships between the pupil and staff. Each child is well prepared to take the positions of responsibility and leadership on leaving the school. As Thomas Edison said,” the greatest invention in the world is the mind of a child” and every child is born with the instinct of curiosity and inquisitiveness.

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Message from Our Chairman

Few things have greater importance to parents than the education of their children. Every parent looks for academic excellence, good values, and discipline for their children. Choosing the right school for them is therefore a crucial decision.
G.S. Modern School provides high standards for educational excellence to their students. We stimulate creativity and develop problem-solving capability in each student. As a family oriented school, we believe that partnership between the family and school is the foundation of a student's fulfillment and success in later life.
All the dynamic institutions in the world today look forward to introducing and affecting a creative approach in educational curriculum. Teachers play a major role in implementing and supporting the students to gain competence in their efforts.
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News & Event

Of all the several important contributors to the development of the skills of an individual and to human capital, formal, schooling is the most important one parents, individual abilities, peer groups too contribute nonetheless school have a special place! Our school regards Education as a dynamic. The school aims students dynamic a self-directed learners .One who question, reflects perseveres and shares responsibility.

Our Facilities

Description Of Facilities


Libraries are essential in a process of giving citizens access to knowledge. In digital times they are needed more than ever before. Get your library card, and you’ll be able to borrow a print or electronic book, use free internet, or attend a course improving your digital skills.


The Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory is a place for students to get assistance studying for their math classes. The Next Generation Science Standards may seem daunting to implement in your high school physical science, biology, and chemistry courses.

Computer Lab

"PLAYING SHOULD BE FUN! In our great eagerness to teach our children we studiously look for "educational" toys, games with built-in lessons, books with a "message." Often these "tools" are less interesting and stimulating than the child's natural curiosity and playfulness.

Game & Sports

"PLAYING SHOULD BE FUN! In our great eagerness to teach our children we studiously look for "educational" toys, games with built-in lessons, books with a "message." Often these "tools" are less interesting and stimulating than the child's natural curiosity and playfulness.

Principal's Message

Being the first amongst the private schools started in this locality, the school aims at all round development of the children of the society. The school stands for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation based on the sincere, devoted effort and commitment of the teachers and the staff of the school. the school also aims at inculcating and infusing love, dedication and loyalty towards their country amongst the students to become good citizens. In order to understand current needs of education and parenting we attract the parents to the campus through regular PTM and Parenting workshops.


Vision & Mission

Continuously evolve teaching learning strategies to equip students with skills and competencies in preparation for their entry into a world beyond School Provide a plethora of opportunities to all students to develop the 21st century skills to transform themselves into value driven versatile well-grounded individuals Enhance staff competencies through rigorous professional development programmes laying emphasis on teacher training and leadership training Continue to build constructive relationships with all our stakeholders thereby creating a positive school climate which helps to extend a caring school community Enhance