• Fee, funds and other charges are to be paid on quarterly basis either in cash at the school fee counter or through A/C Payee’s cheques drawn in favour of School. Cheque shall be accepted upto 7th day and cash on or before 10th day of each quarter i.e., April, July, October & January. Late payment fine shall be charged w.e.f. 11th day of the month as per the school rules and the name of the defaulters shall be struck off from the rolls on last working day of the month. For details of late fine and readmission fees etc, kindly see the school notice board or contact office.

No cheque for outstation clearance or post dated cheques will be accepted. Fee and Funds are not refundable/adjustable under any circumstances. Cheques will not be accepted during March/April. All fee including bus fee is subject to revision.

Caution money is to be deposited by every pupil at the time of admission. It is being kept as a token of security. Claim for refund of caution money shall be entertained within 3 months from the date of withdrawal or when the name is struck off from the roll or on completion of studies in the school or alongwith the original receipt failing which the entire amount will be transferred to society reserve fund. Caution money will be refunded as per rules but without any interest.