
I am proud that my children study in one of the top schools, G.S. Modern School, in Ghaziabad. I am delighted to witness their multifaceted development, academic, cultural, personality and above all confidence to face the world.

Parents Name

I am very happy with our decision to entrust G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad with our daughter's schooling.

The School encourages excellence. The kids have a rich and vibrant exposure to both academics and culture. They are encouraged to pursue their talents and dreams and also benchmark with the best. I have found the staff warm, enthusiastic, dedicated and as much involved with the students as much as we parents are. In these times when money power corrupts young minds, the school activity discourages the show of ostentation and rewards only merit. This is very healthy and I feel secure and confident that my daughter will grow up with a well-rounded personality and the right value system.

Parent Name

In the development and character of a child, the school which the child is attending plays an equally if not more important role as the parents. Ever since our children joined G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad in 2017, they have been constantly looking forward to taking part in various activities of the school, be it the curricular or the extra- curricular. The school has played a critical role in providing the opportunities, encouragement and guidance in moulding their upbringing. As parents, we always look forward to a school, which will fulfill the aspirations of our children in full measure, identify and nurture their talents, provide a sound and solid academic foundation.

Needless to say, we consider ourselves lucky to have found a school in G.S. Modern School,Ghaziabad for our children's all round development to become responsible and patriotic citizens of this great nation.

Parent Name

As the proud parents of a daughter who has emerged from the portals of G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad, her success is viewed as an attribute to the values and life skills bestowed on her by the school.

The years spent at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad have helped her metamorphose from a shy, awkward young student to a confident, competent and resilient adult- her armour replete with skills to face the challenges of life. Education at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad is an all round holistic development of the child, the focus being not only to turn them into erudite scholars but also to inculcate values, which help them to carve a niche for themselves in society.

Parent Name

The best part of having both our children studying at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad, from the very beginning is that we never had to bother much about their wholesome growth and education.

The excellent school community and faculty members have been able to provide complete environment, which has ensured that both of them are turning out to be confident, self- reliant, intelligent and positive in their attitude towards life. The school has been able to nurture their talents and mould our kids into becoming fine, disciplined, enthusiastic young citizens of this world.

The decision to put our kids into G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad was the best ever and we would not have fathomed our children studying elsewhere.

Parent Name

Eight years ago my son and daughter walked tentatively into G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad. Leaving them at the school gate, I was apprehensive as they were coming from a different city and school. Today they march confidently into school and enthusiastically compete in academics, debates, elocution and dramatics in school and various inter- school competitions. G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad takes academics and discipline seriously and that helps take the burden off the parents' shoulders of bringing the child up at home. It is a pleasure to meet any student of G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad as they greet you with a smile and are always helpful. The students of G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad are taught the basic values of life. I am sure they are ready to face the world

Parent Name

I am proud to be at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad because it is a school which gives you a lot of self confidence and prepares you for the real world.


I am proud to be at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad because over the years, the school has moulded me into what I am today. It is my second home and I have realized what it takes to be an ‘G.S. Modern School’. Today I can proudly say that I have been a part of this prestigious institution for around 13 years.


I have enjoyed every moment I have spent here. Every day opens new doors and gives us new opportunities. Ups and downs have been there. However, it is these ups and downs that have made me cherish every single day at this school.


I am proud to be at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad because of the brilliant ambience provided by the teachers and the students alike. At G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad, one can get a great combination of academics and co-curricular activities. It is just great to be an G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad.


The most memorable day at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad was the first day of first Class. The excitement of making friends and the despair of staying away from home. I, personally, will never forget. It has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs at the school but that day remained etched in my memory.


I am proud to be at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad because this school has exposed me to such a wonderful environment and has given me the confidence to put myself out there and carry myself with pride. G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad has nurtured me into the person I am today. It is an absolute honour to be a part of this prestigious school. Years from now, I am sure I will look back and have this school to thank for preparing me to deal with any situation that comes my way.


The most memorable days at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad have been many, like annual days, picnics, field trips etc.


The most memorable day at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad is every day because each day has something new to offer and I feel it is the best day. But then, the next day is even better! So, every single day at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad has been memorable.


The most memorable day at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad is probably my first day – dating all the way back to 2017. A flustered sixth Class student, I made my way through the crowd - confused awkward and a little scared. The memory of this day makes me realize just how far I have come now. The frightening gates which once led me to unknown lands now leads me to my second home.


In the past 25 years I have been with the students of Class 2 and 3. It has been a wonderful journey throughout. The apt words to describe my experiences would be exciting, interesting, joyous and beautiful. Every morning I look forward to the sweet, innocent faces that greet me. I hope this journey continues for a very long time.

Class Teacher of Class 3

I have been teaching in the Noida department for 18 years and each year is more fruitful and satisfying. Meeting a lively bunch of 3 to 6 year olds every morning makes each moment bright. Little children are refreshingly honest and enchantingly innocent and teaching them has in return taught me a lot.

Member of Faculty, Ghaziabad

I have been teaching the G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad children for the past 31 years and it's been a wonderful experience for me all the while.

Their love and affection has always encouraged me to return back every year with joy and enthusiasm. There's nothing in this world that can match this feeling of mutual love and affection that is present among the teachers and the students at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad, India.

Member of Faculty, Ghaziabad

I remember my first day of Ghaziabad. Oh no I am not referring to when I was two and a half. It was my first day of teaching at the Noida section of G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad - an incredibly prepared classroom. Teaching in the Noida section at G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad has been a great experience for me. G.S. Modern School, Ghaziabad is always a cauldron of activity and creation. The trust reposed in each teacher is motivation enough for her to give her best.

Member of Faculty, Ghaziabad